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Harness the Power of Employee Engagement (Infographic)

Recent studies have brought to light some pretty dire news about the state of UK employment. Only around one third of employees say that they’re engaged with their work, placing our engagement levels at a lowly 9th out of the 12 largest economies. This shockingly low engagement is impacting productivity, worker morale, and staff turnover levels nationwide.

But what exactly is employee engagement?

An employee is engaged if they’re enthusiastic about their work, committed to their job, and satisfied with their role. An engaged employee is more productive, innovative and far less likely to leave. On the other hand, not engaged employees don’t like going to work most days, and certainly won’t go the extra mile for their employers. At the furthest end of the scale, you end up with actively disengaged employees who hate their jobs so much they’ll be openly disruptive and undermine their colleagues. Check out how low engagement impacts job performance! 

Clearly, there’s a lot to be gained from improving employee engagement levels. Businesses with engaged employees are more productive, earn higher profits, and have lower staff turnover (so they’re not constantly having to deal with the hassle of finding new staff!) If you want success, your employees need to be onboard.

If you do end up with a team of apparent zombies, don’t worry – not all is lost. It’s possible to re-engage employees, and reap the awesome benefits of true employee engagement. We’ve created this infographic to share some top tactics for engaging your employees, so that they’ll be happier and more productive.

And of course, if you’re looking for a fun solution to morale problems, one of our team building days is sure to do the trick!                           

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